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This Party of the Soft Things

This Party of the Soft Things

通常価格 ¥3,200 JPY
通常価格 セール価格 ¥3,200 JPY
セール 売り切れ

Artist: Nhatt Nichols

Publisher: Bored Wolves

80 pages / 12 x 17 cm / 2nd printing of 500 (2023) / paperback

Book-length poem and graphite drawings by Nhatt Nichols

“Nhatt’s book provides the reader with a sense of presence and urgency, welcoming the need to be wild-eyed and hopeful, too. It reminds us that nature speaks up in multitude, and that there is simply no real silencing it.”

—Sara Dian

“This gentle, quietly heartbroken illustrated poem follows a walk in the woods through its beauty and sadness, unearthing pill bugs, lamenting human desecration, and extolling the explosion of lilacs that will follow long after human beings have scrubbed themselves from this planet.”

—John Porcellino

I angle home / my neighbors on their porches with wine / my old mailbox / it isn’t a lot / but I already miss it

Once upon a time, Nhatt Nichols, a poet and graphic journalist working out of a hut on the Olympic Peninsula, followed forest paths in search of the sea and something resembling clarity, even as she faced up to the ambiguities of being fully alive during an age of malaise, collapse, and extinction. Returning to her writing and drawing hut, Nhatt set to work on This Party of the Soft Things, a book-length poem written and illustrated over the course of a year.

This Party of the Soft Things can be described as a highly re-readable picture book for adults, with its fifty graphite drawings plotting and expanding upon Nhatt’s poem and the trek underpinning it. The poem pivots between ruminative present-day interludes and accelerations into a distant future in which humans lose their claim to proper nouns (“texas” is just that and no more) as armies of potato bugs, air forces of mosquitos, and navies of sharks ascend.

In the meantime, planetary implications are localized by a backroad and a mailbox, a mug and a bottle of rye. And in lieu of a shiny grail at quest’s end, Nhatt embraces the radical solace of a future humans won’t be around to endanger.

Soon enough we’ll be beyond cakes / nothing sliced in celebration / just a sea salt smoked honey sunshine

Nhatt Nichols grew up on a mountaintop in the Okanogan Highlands. Raised among survivalists, she developed the ability to observe the world around her from the perspective of a permanent outsider. She is now a poet and graphic journalist living and working on the Olympic Peninsula. Morels, an illustrated novella, will be published by Bored Wolves in 2024.

ー Bored Wolves

Nhatt Nicholsによる長編詩と鉛筆ドローイング

「Nhatt Nicholsの本は、読者に臨場感と緊迫感を与え、野生の目と希望を持つ必要性をも歓迎する。この本は、自然が大きな声を持ち、それを黙らせることはできないことを思い出させてくれる。」—Sara Dian

「この穏やかで、静かに心を痛める挿絵入りの詩は、森の中を歩きながら、その美しさと悲しみを追いかけ、ダンゴムシを発掘し、人間の冒涜を嘆き、人類がこの惑星からいなくなったとしても、変わらず咲き誇るライラックを讃える。」—John Porcellino

I angle home / my neighbors on their porches with wine / my old mailbox / it isn’t a lot / but I already miss it

むかしむかし、オリンピック半島(ワシントン州の西部にある大きな半島)の山小屋で活動する詩人でグラフィック・ジャーナリストのNhatt Nicholsは、倦怠、崩壊、絶滅の時代に完全に生きていることの曖昧さに直面しながらも、海や明晰さに似たものを求めて、森の小道をたどっていた。執筆とドローイングをする山小屋で、1年かけて長編詩『This Party of the Soft Things』の制作に取りかかった。


一方で、ありふれた裏道や郵便受け、ジョッキやビールが舞台となっている。結末では、Nhatt Nicholsは危うく深刻な未来を受け入れている。

Soon enough we’ll be beyond cakes / nothing sliced in celebration / just a sea salt smoked honey sunshine

Nhatt Nichols

オカノガン高原(カナダのブリティッシュコロンビア州と米国ワシントン州の丘陵地帯)の山頂で育った。サバイバリストの中で育ち、永遠のアウトサイダーの視点から周囲の世界を観察する能力を身につけた。現在は詩人、グラフィック・ジャーナリストとしてオリンピック半島で活動中。イラスト入りの小説『Morels』は2024年にBored Wolvesより出版予定。

ー Bored Wolvesより
