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通常価格 ¥3,700 JPY
通常価格 セール価格 ¥3,700 JPY
セール 売り切れ

Artist: Linus Bonduelle / Pommelien Koolen

Publisher: Bored Wolves

32 pages / 11.5 x 8.5 cm / edition 400 / paperback

Poems by Linus Bonduelle

Drawings by Pommelien Koolen

I hear the neighbor downstairs

coughing through my floor.

I know it’s him ’cause it’s the same voice

that shouts at me

when I dance at night,

that’s thudding on his soft lungs.

He was angry again today

when I hammered found wood

into a flowerbed. I was sorry

and warm in the sun.

Bundle is a collection of poems for a scrambled era written by Linus Bonduelle, who, during the early pandemic period, punched his pillow with poetry every evening and felt better for it. The collection is illustrated with offbeat precision by artist Pommelien Koolen, and cleverly designed by Linus and Pom with a snug wrap-around flap in the tradition of important bureaucratic mail that you normally open with trepidation but here with glad curiosity.

Through their close collaboration, limber poet Linus and meticulous inker Pom employ Seussian logic to deconstruct our illogical times, and the off-kilter askewity of interpersonal relationships, through hopscotching verse and Goreyesque drawings that are like first-aid posters sniffing licorice.

The Bundle + poster option comes with an illustrated poem-poster (22×34.5 cm) folded up and tucked into the back of the book.

Listen to Linus read a poem from Bundle.

ー Bored Wolves

Linus Bonduelleによる詩とPommelien Koolenによるドローイング



本書は、パンデミック初期に毎晩枕もとで詩を殴り書かれた。作者はすっかり夢中になって詩を書きためた。本書は、Linus Bonduelleによる、時代が交錯した詩集である。また、アーティストのPommelien Koolenによってオフビートな精密さで描かれたドローイングを収録し、LinusとPomによって巧妙にブックデザインされている。通常なら恐る恐る開封する重要で役所から届く郵便物にある伝統的な装丁が、本書にも用いられ、うれしくなるような好奇心のあるラップアラウンドのフラップブックとなっている。


Linusによる『Bundle』の朗読を聴く read a poem

ー Bored Wolvesより
